Galaxy Community Conference 2012: Chicago, IL

July 25-27, 2012

Integrating Galaxy with Globus Online: Lessons learned from the CVRG project

Presented by: Bo Liu, Computation Institute, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory
Globus Online (GO) is a hosted service that uses powerful grid transfer capabilities to automate the tasks of moving large quantities of data in a secure, efficient and fast way. Integrating Galaxy with Globus Online addresses the challenges in transferring large-scale datasets in and out of Galaxy quickly and reliably. In CVRG (CardioVascular Research Grid) project, we have extended Galaxy with "Globus Online" tools for data transfer, "CRData" tools for executing R scripts, "Picard/GATK via Condor" tools for running Picard and GATK tools at Condor nodes in parallel, etc. The thorough integration of Galaxy and GO services, including GO-transfer, GO-storage and GO-collaborate, will accelerate the development of Galaxy and make it more suitable for complicated bioinformatics pipelines. For example, GO-storage provides large capacity data storage that can be accessed within Galaxy. Galaxy could use GO-collaborate for user authentication, group management and task collaboration, and then GO users could access Galaxy without register and easily share Galaxy history/workflow/dataset with GO users or groups. The distributed computing capabilities of Globus also make the execution of Galaxy jobs faster and more efficiently.

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