
Eureka! Clinical Analytics Software version 1.9 Released

The CardioVascular Research Grid recently released an update to the Eureka! Clinical Analytics software, version 1.9, available as open source from

High Resolution Mouse Hearts added to the Available Datasets

Five high resolution mouse heart datasets have recently been made available by the Cardiovascular Research Grid.

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bioCADDIE Webinar

January 14, 2016 - 10:00am  more>>

bioCADDIE All-Hands Meeting

December 4, 2015 - 8:00am  more>>

bioCADDIE Webinar

October 8, 2015 - 2:00pm  more>>

CVRG Galaxy

CVRG Galaxy is an extension of Galaxy, a web-based tool that can be used  to analyze a wide range of biomedical data including genome,  transcriptome, and proteome data. CVRG Galaxy has a web-interface that  is easy to use. Users can transfer data to CVRG Galaxy at high speed using Globus Connect, and then create what are known as workflows.  Workflows are successive steps of data access, analysis, and storage of  results.